My Workflow of Ripping and Tagging Album CDs


I have some CDs that only have one single wav file inside, which makes it hard to tag and stream the audio on my server.

After a bit of tinkering, I found out a workflow of ripping the audio and tagging CDs.


I use asunder to rip CD files, and since sometimes it's only a wav inside, you can copy the wav file from the file browser (nautilus).

Splitting the single wav

Look up the album on, and navigate to album release page.

From the URL, copy the release id, which is the number after /relase/. For example, given the following album link:, 14464484 is the release id.

Download two software: media-sound/flacon and dcue.

Use dcue to generate a cue metadata file

Run dcue with the release ID you just copied and the filename, for example:

./dcue-1.5-lnx-x86_64.AppImage 14464484 Track\ 1.wav

You will notice a cue file will be generated.

Use flacon to split the single wav into tagged audio file

Then run flacon, and feed the wav and cue file with the Add disc menu.

Click Convert. For Linux, the music will be found in ~/Music/


Install media-sound/picard, and add the folder from the last step.

Run scan, and it should be able to read the metadata, and add more detailed metadata from musicbrainz.

Click save, and it should modify the metadata in place.

Replay Gain

If you have nix on your OS, you don't need to install anything in this step. If not, install media-sound/rsgain.

Run rsgain on the output folder to automatically calculate replay gain:

# for systems with nix
nix-shell -p rsgain --command 'rsgain easy <music_dir>'
# otherwise:
rsgain easy <music_dir>

That's everything, for DJing, you can import the folder, and mass edit the tags there.