Make gitea sign your commits

2023-11-21 (Updated 2023-11-21)

Workaround for this GitHub problem

Create gpg key

sudo -i -u gitea
cd data/home
cat .gitconfig

To get the default id and email for gitea

Generate keys for gitea with the username and email

When signing with sudo and ssh, remember to change the permission of current pts to the gitea user with sudo

gitea@host:~/data/home$ ls -l $(tty)
crw--w---- 1 otheruser tty 136, 53 Nov 21 16:19 /dev/pts/5
# In another term
chown gitea /dev/pts/5
gpg --homedir .gnupg --full-gen-key

Change the owner back afterwards

Change gpg key

Get key id with

gpg --homedir .gnupg --list-keys

And use the id in /etc/gitea/app.ini

SIGNING_KEY = 1**************************************D
SIGNING_EMAIL = gitea@fake.local
MERGES = pubkey, commitssigned
CRUD_ACTIONS = pubkey, parentsigned

Restart gitea